Key Features of Belltec Rock Auger Teeth

Key Features of Belltec Rock Auger Teeth

When it comes foundation drilling or poling, the best teeth option s is the Belltec rock auger teeth or Belltec auger bits. With conditions sometimes getting quite tough and rocky, you can only get the best out of auger machine. However, you need to be very important to ensure that you have gotten the best teeth to ensure that you are getting the best out of your drilling machine.  But what should you look out for in Belltec rock auger teeth? Here are some of the key features that make good rock auger teeth:

Carbide Tip

The tip of the Belltec rock auger teeth matters a lot. Otherwise, it will be impossible to deliver any good performance out of your Belltec drilling machine. Since you will be drilling rock surfaces such as the foundation drilling, it is recommended that you get carbide tipped teeth. However, with the numerous types of carbide materials, tungsten carbide is the most highly recommended due to its properties such as high wear resistance and impact resistance.

Steel Body

Having a carbide tip will not yield any output if the teeth body is of inferior quality. Not that Belltec rock auger teeth are exposed to very tough conditions that generate heat, and thus tough teeth body is needed to absorb the such pressure. That’s why you need to ensure that the auger rock bits can handle such conditions. Steel or its alloys are the most recommended. Steel material is known for its high abrasion resistance. It is also essential to ensure teeth body is also made of the highest grade of steel or its alloys. Combined with carbide tips, you will have a powerful Belltec auger bit(click here to know more about it).

Powerful Joint            

The joint joining the tip and the steel body must be very powerful to withstand the pressure and heat generated by drilling. Ensure that the quality of the welding technique is the best in the market. If the joint is weak, it will probably be weakened by the generated heat and could break. Brazing is the best welding technic for joining the tip and the body for the auger rock bits.


Can the teth work in different soil condition? Well, this is one question that you need to get answers to. The best thing that you need is to have the kind of teeth that could be used in various types of conditions. The teeth should be used on soft, abrasive and rocky soil. That means that you will not need to keep changing auger teeth every time you switch conditions.

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