Carlton stump grinder teeth Problems and Solutions

Carlton stump grinder teeth Problems and Solutions

Just like most of the machine tools, Carlton stump grinder teeth are also exposed to a variety of problems that could deem them unusable. However, most of these problems are as a result of improper use of the tools. In fact, most of the grinder teeth problems including the Carlton’s are as a result of misuse of the teeth. Below are some of the major Carlton stump grinder teeth problems, causes and how to solve them:

Shank Fracture

One of the common problems with grinder teeth is the fracture of the carbide shank. This is a problem that could significantly reduce the performance of the teeth and consequently the entire machine. However, it is a problem that is mostly caused by the wrong usage of the teeth and more so exposure to extremely demanding conditions. Removing stumps in hard cutting and extreme impact conditions such as rocky surfaces are some of the reasons. The only solution that could work is the replacing the carbide tip or the entire teeth.

Excessive Wear

This is another problem common with Carlton stump grinder teeth. It could be the excessive wear of the carbide material at the tip or the steel body. The most reason why there could be excessive wear of the teeth is poor selection of the cutter tools and improper use of the carbide tip. Grinding stumps in very abrasive cutting conditions is one of the major causes of high rate of excessive wear. It could also be as a result of high rotation speed or cut too deep into the stump. These are problems that can easily be avoided if proper use of the tools is done. Avoid abrasive conditions and operate with the recommended speed.

Broken Shank

Breaking off of the carbide tip is another common problem that stump removers come across. In most cases, the problem associated with exposure of the teeth to very harsh conditions such as rocky or abrasive condition. The grinding of extremely rough stumps such as hardwoods could also result in breakage of the carbide shank. There are two ways that you can improve on this- replacing the carbide or the entire tooth.

Steel Wash

Last but not the least is steel wash. This is a problem that is usually associated with abrasive conditions, especially if you are doing stump root removal. Steel is easily eaten away by abrasive soil, and that could cause result in week teeth. Using the right steel material, such as forged steel Carlton stump grinder teeth(click here to know more about it), for such conditions.



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